Wednesday, 25 June 2014



LOVE   EACH    OTHER     JUST     AS     I     LOVE     :    JOHN  15  12


When the public schools of New orlenas were integrated under court order in 1960 , four six year old black girls were selected to break the immoral barrier that had been built over generation to keep white and black children apart. Three were assigned to one school, and Ruby bridges was sent alone to Fantz Elementary school, how was a little girl supposed to deal with such tension
She was escorted to and  from  school each day by federal marshals for her protection . She had to run the gauntlet to taunts , curses and threats from  adults as she arrived and left each day . White parents took the if children out of frantz , and ruby was the only child in Miss hurtleys’ first grade class.
Dr. Rober coles is a child psychiatrist who studied Ruby’s experience .He Visited the Ruby and the family twice every week . He Interviewed Miss Hurley about her pupil . To his amazement Ruby was sleeping soundly every night , Eating week , Playing with Neighbors hood children as before .” You know , I don’t understand this child” said her teacher . “ she seems so happy she come here so cheerfully” 

One Morning Miss Hurley was watching Ruby walk toward the school. Suddenly the little girl stopped  right in the middle of the screaming, jeering ,crowd . Facing all those angry people ,her lips starts moving . Miss Hurtley thought she was talking to them . She wondered what Ruby might be saying to these people who seemed ready to kill her . The Marshals tried to move her into the building , but she would not budge until she finished what she was saying .
Miss Hurtley asked her later what had happened and Ruby explained . “ I was not talking to those people “ she said I was praying . I was praying for them “ You see every morning Ruby had stopped a few blocks from her school to pray for the people who hated her . That morning she had forgotten until she was already on the side walk in the middle of the angry adults . 

Here is what she prayed twice a day , before and after school. “ Please God , Try to forgive those People. Because even if they say those bad things they do  not now what they are doing , So you could forgive them , just like you did those folks a long time ago when they said terrible things about you . 

Do you have some tough  situations to face the week .Have to deal with some unpleasant people . Have to confront people who are unkind or unfair . let us try Ruby  method and remember that Jesus said of little children “ of such is the Kingdom of Heaven”

This story reminds of Crusification of God to easter days . 

Hey Women Why are you Crying : 

You too facing problems what ever it be , that completely hearing one is in heaven . Yasser daughter from death he give life that god is alive . Kindly imaging the situation , that Jesus with disciples and other with their parents , enter the room  and closed the door. Later jesus give him life from death and give her back to the parents .She should be given food, jesus told later 

Today jesus had done this kind of things to your , When you are crying ,  in the silence of the time , jesus came to you . Surprisingly he give blessing to you , do not be disappointed . 

To those mother , who pray for their children , such experience they might had .

For a child praying you will feed lot of experience . That  part of prayer time goes to the child. Later after the prayer , you will feel free .At the prayer time , you child might had a accident , then this praying , you will feel  bad or disturbed . Through prayer you will not get any change . but for the children problem  the only solution is prayer . Nayas windom got back the only son by means of prayer . Even if your child will dead spiritually , similar to like lasar  who smells bad . but on hearing the word of God, he is brought back to life , He heard the word of Jesus , he came out as human being  . So for your child , pray to god , God will fulful the promises .He will give a sudden change to you . you had to wait for him . Human being those impossible is possible to God . 8281032111 , you had had mercy for yourself and for your child by means of praying .This is time you think  you are a proud mother . You are doing things as per your ability , but doing lot of fault. If you feel guilty to the fault you had done tell this god  in your prayer . Prayer is a form  of meditation , where you are able to heal your mind and body by form of love . The powerful arrow will always blame you and make you sorrow , That arrow he use and make lot of God disciple sorrow . we are in war no one should forget .we had to do, that we had to accomplish . while prayer you should ask the help of God to over come this  sorrow . God should demolish the obstacle barriers ,God should do miracle not only in you but also in the mind and heart of children 
In this age of war and destruction  : we should put effort to solve all this difference and not to support any war and terror in the name of Relegion , Caste,  ethnic violence, terror that give rise to blood shed and terror to minds of the young group of people